This feature allows a copy of any email sent to one address to be forwarded to another address. This allows you to use one account to check mail sent to several email addresses. You can also discard email.

To view forwarders for a specific domain on your account, select the domain for which you wish to set forwarders from the Managing menu.

To quickly find a specific email address, enter a keyword in the Search text box and click Go.

Add a Mail Forwarder

To add a mail forwarder, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Add Forwarder.
  2. In the Address to Forward text box, enter the address for which you wish to forward email. Be sure to select the correct domain from the menu.
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Basic options:
      • To forward mail, click Forward to email address and type the address to which mail should be forwarded.
      • To discard incoming messages and automatically send a failure notice to the sender, click Discard with error to sender.
    • Advanced options:
      • To forward mail to a system user, click Forward to a system account and type the appropriate username.

        Note: This field accepts the username of any user on the server. You can check for an account by the use of POP3, or IMAP. Use the authentication credentials that are also used to access the cPanel interface.


        This account does not have a public-facing email address.
      • To discard incoming messages without a failure notice, click Discard (Not Recommended).

        Important: This option is not recommended, because the sender will be unaware that the delivery failed.

  4. Click Add Forwarder.

To view the route that a forwarded message takes, select Trace in the list of forwarded addresses. This makes it possible, for example, to locate a mail routing error.

Warning: If you wish to forward mail to another account without receiving mail at your cPanel account, create a forwarder from an address that does not have a cPanel account. Alternatively, if the account already exists, you can delete it in cPanel. Afterward, all mail will be forwarded to the destination you have configured with the Forwarders feature.

If you do not delete the cPanel account for which mail is forwarded, both accounts will receive mail.

Remove a Mail Forwarder

To delete a forwarder, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Delete next to the appropriate forwarded address.
  2. Confirm that this forwarder should be deleted on the following page.

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